VNZ Report card on Electrolyser Market H1 2024

A status check on market- by players, technology, geography, project size, and offtake and the expectations for 2024-25

VNZ Report card on Electrolyser market provides an in-depth overview of electrolyser delivered capacity by 2023 and expectations for 2024-25:

  • By geography and region
  • By electrolyser technology,
  • By project size
  • By electrolyser OEM
  • By asset developer

Key Takeaways

  • By 2023, more than 2.2 GW electrolyser capacity was delivered globally, doubling annually since 2021.
  • China is the market leader with nearly 1 GW capacity followed by Americas, Europe, Middle East and rest of APAC.
  • Alkaline technology accounted for nearly 75% of the capacity followed by PEM (majorly).
  • By project size, 5-50 MW capacity projects accounted for nearly 39% of the capacity followed by 200 MW+ projects.
Many more insights by player, technology, project size, geography can be found in the report.

Key Questions Addressed

  • What is the installed/delivered capacity of Electrolyser by 2023 end? How is the cumulative and annual capacity split by
    • By geography and region
    • By electrolyser technology,
    • By project size
    • By electrolyser OEM
    • By asset developer
  • How much capacity is in orderbook with the electrolyser OEMs and how is it segmented by geography, technology and project size?
  • What is the sourcing set-up being followed for electrolyser plant and how is it evolving?

Who needs this report?

This report is relevant for everyone involved in the Green Hydrogen ecosystem. If you are a passive observer, you may wait for the IEA report at the end of the year.


The looming consolidation in landscape, cancellations/ shut-down of factories and emergence of few dominant players


An in-depth assessment of what makes a company successful in the Hydrogen ecosystem


A status check on market- by players, technology, geography, project size, and offtake and the expectations for 2024-25