Investors and Financiers
Monitor Portfolio Performance
Screen and Identify Targets
Intelligence for Due-Diligence
Modules for Subscription
Two on-demand modules curated around your business needs
Product Tech & Supply Chain (PTSC)
Covers breadth and depth of product, technology and supply chain insights on electrolyser plants
Market Strategy & Sales (MSS)
Covers breadth and depth of global auctions, project pipeline, asset developers and EPCs
Product Technology & Supply Chain Module
Deep insights to support Investors and Financiers
Corporate M&A
PE/VC Principals
IB Analysts
Grow Market Share. Get in Best Shape.
Achieve Product Market Fit.
Market Strategy & Sales Module
Deep insights to support Investors and Financiers
Corporate M&A
PE/VC Principals
IB Analysts
Grow Market Share. Get in Best Shape.
Achieve Product Market Fit.
Why Trust Us?
Built by seasoned consultants with 30+ years of collective experience
Robust methodologies developed from servicing Global Energy majors
Trusted knowledge partners of industry leaders
Frequently Asked Questions
There is a periodic update to all our deliverables. The period of update varies by the type of asset, considering frequency and quantum of new information is different for each analysis. For example, News module is updated daily/weekly, Analyst briefings are monthly, Profiles are quarterly, Flagship reports are quarterly to semi-annually. The Q1 2024 version of reports act as a baseline for every new update to report which is also reflected in executive summary.
Our deliverables are built on comprehensive and globally recognised research methodology employing mix of desk research, expert interviews, surveys, and proprietary datasets. Our analytical tools and approaches have honed over a decade of experience across a variety of project and client settings. You can read more about it in our Service brochure.
Yes, you can. We offer flexible subscription options ranging from full service to specific modules to ‘build-your-own’ service.
We differentiate on three aspects:
Our guiding principle is ‘how can we help’, hence we remain flexible in scope vs pricing vs budget discussions. We fully understand that intelligence is critical but not everything for you